Download FFmpeg FFmpeg 2.2.11 "Muybridge" 2.2.11 was released on 2014-12-09. It is the latest stable FFmpeg release from the 2.2 release branch, which was cut from master on 2014-03-01. Amongst lots of other changes, it includes all changes from ffmpeg-mt, libav master .
Svn2Git: Migrating repository from Subversion to Git « Jai’s Weblog – Tech, Security & Fun… Efficient enough Version Control System has always been a challenge based on your requirements of local, centralized or distributed version controlling. Git a distributed version controlling system helps us to achieve same painlessly and is already out fo
Git - git-clone Documentation When the repository to clone from is on a local machine, this flag bypasses the normal "Git aware" transport mechanism and clones the repository by making a ...
Want to download a Git repository, what do I need (windows ... 2008年9月21日 - Download Git on Msys. Then: git clone git:// ...
How do you clone a git repository into a specific folder ... 2009年3月16日 - Executing the command git clone creates a ... Option A: git clone folder-name. Option B:.
Developing | Android Developers To work with the Android code, you will need to use both Git and Repo. ... For example, with a single Repo command you can download files from multiple ...
repo git - Google Code Repo is a tool that we built on top of Git. Repo helps us manage the many Git repositories, does the uploads to our revision control system, and automates parts ...
Clone - Git Reference In order to do anything in Git, you have to have a Git repository. This is where Git stores the data for the snapshots you are saving. There are two main ways to ...
Setting up a repository - git-clone | Atlassian Git Tutorial This tutorial provides a succinct overview of the most important Git commands. First, the Setting Up a Repository section explains all of the tools you need to start ...